Holiday Greetings from the Communications Office!

In 2023, the world commemorates the 800th anniversary of a timeless Christmas tradition— the Nativity scene, or Christmas crèche. In the year 1223, St. Francis of Assisi brought the Nativity to life in Greccio, Italy. This historic event marked a pivotal moment, as St. Francis created a tangible representation of the birth of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the humility and simplicity of the moment.
As we celebrate this 800th anniversary, the Nativity scene remains a cherished symbol of the Christmas season, embodying the enduring spirit of faith and the joyous message of hope and love.
We are a creating a photo gallery of Christmas crèches from around the diocese which will be included on the webpage, along with many other Advent resources for you to enjoy.
In the past, diocesan ministries, offices, churches and schools have contributed pictures of the nativity scene on display at their locations.
We are extending an invitation to all readers to participate!
Please email a picture of your Christmas crèche to It will then be shared with the readers of our weekly newsletter and each other as we prepare for the wonderful season of Christmas. Please name your photo with your family name, location and year photo was taken, for example: JonesFamily _Willimantic_2023.
If you need help emailing a photo, please visit the webpage for details.
Let us share the joy of the season with each other in this special way.