Article by Matt McDonald
Pictures by Academy of the Holy Family March for Life participants
For newcomers to the annual March for Life in Washington D.C., the size of the crowd is surprising. While estimates vary, this year’s version took more than two hours to move about a mile and a half from the National Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court, which legalized abortion nationwide in 1973.
In the crowd were 17 students from Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic run by the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church. The weather for this year’s march was forgiving – mid-40s and cloudy at the beginning, and the sun came out about halfway through it. But the bus trip was exhausting, and it was followed by near-constant movement and activity.
“It really is a pilgrimage, and truly is a sacrifi ce,” said Sister Kateri Ludick, director of admissions for the school. “… We kept telling the girls they’re going to be hungry, they’re goingto be tired. We just kepttelling them who they were doing it for.” The speakers at the rally on the National Mall and the March itself made an impression on all the AHF students. Aithy Nguyen, a 10th-grader at the school said, “It was a very cool experience . . . even though we have many differences, we all stand for one thing – and that is life. All life matters.”
Here are refl ections on the March for Life from a few other Academy of the Holy Family students:
“I had a wonderful experience at the March for Life. It was so inspiring to be among thousands of people of such diverse backgrounds, faiths, political ideologies – yet each one was united fully. Each person set aside their differences and came
together to march for truth, and goodness, and life.” ~Lydia Gervais, 12th Grade
“The March for Life was an amazing experience to be able to be a part of. The speakers were so motivational. ~Grace Peckham, 9th Grade
“It was very powerful to see so many young people and wellknown people supporting those who marched. It was beautiful to see everyone come together and voice our opinions.” ~Michelle Rublee, 11th Grade
“March for Life 2019 was absolutely amazing. I loved this year’s speakers. They were all so inspiring. ~Jenny Luong, 10th Grade
“The March for Life was a very powerful experience. It was very inspiring to see and be with so many people marching for the protection of all lives. ~Natalie Burkhard, 12th Grade