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Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Kevin Randall: Video and Pictures

Posted on November 05, 2023 in: News, Vocations

Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Kevin Randall: Video and Pictures

The motto Sub Umbra Crucis, or “Under the Shadow of the Cross,” underscored the special and holy gathering Nov. 4, 2023 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich to celebrate the Episcopal ordination of The Most Rev. Kevin S. Randall to Titular Archbishop of Glenndalocha and Apostolic Nuncio to Bangladesh.

“The cross is for us inevitable,” Archbishop Randall said in his remarks following his ordination, “But bearing it brings us our salvation.”

The Most Reverend Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, conferred the title of Apostolic Nuncio on Archbishop Randall. Co-consecrators were The Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, archbishop for the Military Services, USA and president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and The Most Rev. Lawrence E. Brandt, Bishop Emeritus of Greensburg.

The First Reading during the Liturgy of the Word was from Jeremiah 1:4-9, “To whomever I send you, you shall go,” read by Victoria Reggie Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Austria and widow of U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy. Portland First Selectman Ryan J. Curley gave the Second Reading, 2 Timothy 1:6-14, “Stir into flame the gift of God that you have in the laying on of hands.”

Deacon Dana Garry of St. Mary’s Parish, Portland, read from the Gospel according to John, 21:15-17, “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.”

During the Rite of Ordination, the Apostolic Letter of Appointment from the Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointing Bishop-elect Randall to his new responsibility was read aloud.

“We turn our thoughts to you, beloved son, who have received an outstanding Catholic formation,” Pope Francis wrote. “And whose integrity of life and conduct, as well as other merits of praiseworthy example and virtue clearly demonstrated in several pontifical embassies, persuade us to entrust this ministry of great importance to you.”

As those in attendance, including his family, gave an extended applause, elect Randall raised the letter and carried it throughout the cathedral.

In his homily, Cardinal Pierre told the monsignor he will enter the College of Bishops and experience a new calling.

“It is a call to share the responsibility of the Pope,” he said. “The responsibility first given to Peter when Jesus told him, ‘Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep.’”

Bishop-elect Randall prostrated himself on the altar during the Litany of Supplication, and then knelt before Cardinal Pierre for the Laying on of Hands. Then all the bishops present, one after another, laid their hands on him as well.

After the Prayer of Ordination, Archbishop Randall was anointed with Chrism, signifying the infusion of the Holy Spirit. He then was entrusted with the Book of Gospels and given an Episcopal Ring, showing his union to the Church. He was presented with a mitre on his head for his responsibility as a successor to the Apostles, and given a pastoral staff, or crozier, for his role as chief shepherd, protector and guide for those in his care.

Newly-ordained Archbishop Randall was seated, and then shared a fraternal embrace with each of the other bishops present, including the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich.

Members of Connecticut’s Bangladeshi Catholic population attended the ordination, and some sang as part of the choir.

“There are many people from Bangladesh here, and I’m excited to serve you and the people of your homeland,” Archbishop Randall told them.

By Ryan Blessing


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