Saint Sebastian Parish Presents
"Vatican International Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles"
Saturday, October 21st & Sunday, October 22nd
The exhibit will be open on both days from 12 PM to 5 PM
St. Sebastian Parish Hall
155 Washington Street, Middletown, CT 06457
Saturday, October 21st, after 5pm Mass
Talk on Blessed Carlo Acutis- the 1st Millennial to be Beatified
Blessed Carlo Acutis lived in Italy from 1990-2006. During his short 15 years, he was always joyfully sharing the faith, especially his love of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. At the age of 11, as part of his work as a catechist, he created a website which catalogued many of the principal Eucharistic Miracles which have taken place throughout the world and have been recognized by the Church.
Sunday, October 22nd, at 3pm
Talk on St. Manuel González García Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle
Manuel González García was born in Seville, Spain in 1877 and ordained a priest in 1901. He wasassigned his first parish mission in the little town of Palomares del Rio. It was there, where Our Lord spoke to him from an abandoned tabernacle, that was a defining moment in his life and clarified the direction for the rest of his priestly ministry.
First class relics of both Blessed Carlo and St. Manuel will be available for veneration.
For more info, contact Linda McCarty at
All CCD students of St. Sebastian Church are REQUIRED to attend Classes on Sunday, Oct. 22nd from 9:30 to 10:30AM followed by 11 AM Mass.
Carlo Acutis did not strive to become famous but rather to cooperate with God's graces as generously as possible. That journey brought him many experiences that were all united by a burning desire to serve God and others.
This 15-year old teen is just one miracle away from becoming a saint.
If you have any questions, please contact Linda McCarty at
or Maria D'Ambrose at 860-347-5188