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Respect Life: September Prayer Guide

Posted on September 18, 2023 in: ProLife

Respect Life: September Prayer Guide


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


September is National Suicide Prevention Month. As a society, we recognize that suicide is a tragedy that ends one life and leaves a trail of devastation in its wake for the family, friends, and community left behind. Those who promote doctor-assisted suicide try to draw a distinction between those with a mental illness who want to end their lives and those with a terminal illness who express the same wish. This is a dangerously false distinction with far-reaching consequences.

Suicidal individuals—with or without a terminal illness—typically do not want to die; they want to escape what they perceive to be an intolerable situation, and they tragically believe that suicide is their only way out. The patient requesting assisted suicide is often asking, "Does anyone want me to be alive, or care enough to talk me out of this request and support me through this difficult time?" The acceptance of assisted suicide by society sends the message that under especially difficult circumstances some lives are not worth living. And sadly, this false message is heard not only by those with a terminal illness, but also by any person struggling with the temptation to end his or her life. Every suicide is tragic, no matter the circumstances. We don't discourage suicide in our society by assisting suicide. We are called to affirm the dignity of human life in all stages and circumstances. Those who are suffering need to be assured of the goodness and value of their lives and provided with authentic care and support.


Reflection adapted from “Every Suicide is Tragic.” 


Act (Choose one.)

  • Offer the prayer, “Every Life is Worth Living” for this month’s intention.
  • Do an act of kindness for someone today.
  • Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.

One Step Further

Learn more about the dangers of assisted suicide and why we must work against its acceptance in “Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide.”

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