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Restless? Uncertain? Turn to God.

Posted on July 30, 2023 in: Reflections

Restless? Uncertain? Turn to God.

Restless? Uncertain? Turn to God.

If you have found yourself in a season of restlessness and uncertainty lately, how do you determine where God wants you? While there is no step-by-step guide to follow, here are a few suggestions to help you on your journey.

1. Pray.

This may seem obvious, but when you are unsettled it’s easy to fill time with habits of this world rather than diving deeper into prayer. Read Scripture, spend time in adoration, and ask others to join you in prayer as you seek God’s will.

2. Hope.

Not the kind of hope a child has when wishing for a birthday unicorn, but the kind we place in Christ Jesus, confident of his faithfulness and strength to sustain us. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Be patient as you hope in expectation that God will guide you.

3. Connect.

Actively seek opportunities to expand your network. Take time to identify the talents God gave you and find ways to use them for the good of others. Give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to speak through others. Connect with people who have roles you value or are curious about; ask about their journey and be open to their wisdom.

Our Father desires us to be happy, and true happiness is found in him. Resolve to actively seek his will as you reflect on this prayer of St. Thérèse of Lisieux: “Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person.” Amen.

By Cynthia Kaan, M. Ed.

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