Posted on June 13, 2024 in: Reflections
Dear God,
Thank you for loving us with your perfect heart of a father. We ask you this Father's Day and always to guide and protect the hearts of all men in fatherly roles who are striving to love with your heart and do your work.
Give them pure, chaste, courageous, and creative hearts like Saint Joseph. Give them hearts that never tire of serving those they are called to love. Give them hearts that seek out their loved ones and gently turn their gaze to see You, who is Love.
And we ask you, Father, to bless them abundantly today. We thank you for blessing us with those in fatherly roles in our lives.
We entrust them to you.
Posted on February 25, 2025 in: Reflections, Lent
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Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich 201 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360-4328 Phone: 860-887-9294