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God is with Us in the Wind

Posted on June 12, 2023 in: News, Eucharistic Revival

God is with Us in the Wind

Feast of Corpus Christi at Good Shepherd Catholic Community Columbia/Hebron

“I am with you until the end of the age,” our Lord promised. On Saturday, June 10, at the Eucharistic Procession honoring the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, the wind kicked up just as the faithful approached the Blessed Sacrament, which was exposed for adoration outdoors at the Church of the Holy Family after the 5 pm Mass. 

Located at Hebron, CT, the Eucharistic procession was part of the celebration of the vigil of the Feast of Corpus Christi and was mirrored the next day on Sunday, June 11, at the 11 o’clock am Mass at St. Columba Church in Columbia.

All day the weather had been changeable, with clouds and sun, brief showers and sun showers, leading one to wonder if the rain would dampen the procession at the 5:00 pm Mass.

Father Michael Phillippino and Deacon Benedict LoCasto led the procession after Saturday Mass. They were accompanied by members of the Knights Templar and Knights of Columbus Council #11835 in their full-dress uniforms, as well as altar servers.  With the Eucharist held high, members of the church community followed singing hymns of praise. 

As the parishioners rounded the corner to the area where the Blessed Sacrament was carried to and exposed (outdoors at the lower level of the Church,) puffy grey and blue clouds scurried off. The sun brightened and the wind became so strong that the gusts whipped hair into people’s eyes and rustled the programs held as hymn books.

At that moment, it was possible to overlook the weather “miracles” that were taking place.  Yet, the sun came out more brightly.  The wind was a wild rush of air as if God was breathing fresh life into the parishioners after a week of haze and unhealthy weather conditions due to Canadian wildfires. For days all local people had seen was a hazy, blurred landscape, causing many to retreat indoors to avoid the irritating smoke. Now, all was clear, and many sang freely after hearing the Gospel.

It was reminiscent of the description of the wind at Pentecost, with the rushing sound of the Holy Spirit, breathing life into tired souls and reminding them, and now the current worshippers, of the sacrifice of Jesus out of His love for mankind. The significance of that uncommon wind struck a chord and raised questions.

In the moment, why is one slow to believe? Why doesn’t an unusual wind register as something spiritual right away? The rush of wind was a tangible reminder of His love and presence in our daily lives.  The winds subsided as everyone returned to the church for the final hymns of praise.  Peace came upon the gathered communicants.

But there is a stirring breeze in this Catholic Community. There is a charismatic tone to the monthly Mass of Healing held on the third Sunday of the month at 2 pm at the Church of the Holy Family held by Father Ray Introvigne and blessed by Father Michael. There is an uptick in the sense of community with a recent women’s gathering held for the first time on Saturday, June 3rd.  A survey distributed there asked about the types of charitable works in which each woman prefers to engage. Delicious, generally homemade appetizers and desserts gave everyone a chance to share and mingle, and form connections.

Special events led by Deacon Ben Locasto, celebrating God’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, with displays of Eucharistic miracles worldwide, have been part of the ongoing spiritual education at Good Shepherd parish.

The well-attended Corpus Christi Eucharistic procession was the latest in the series of ongoing faith-filled activities emphasizing Christ’s Real Presence in the host. Father Michael had announced prior to the Mass that there was an added length of time required for this special Mass, and his earnest invitation was honored by many. Perhaps the winds of change are good winds, and we know that God is with us in the Eucharist, always.

By Maureen Murphy, a parishioner of Good Shepherd Parish

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    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294