Nonprofit Agencies that Provide Critical Human Services to Connecticut Residents Severely Underfunded
in Proposed State Budget

Contact Legislative Leadership, the Governor and your State Senator and Representative.
"As for the State . . . It has also the duty to protect the rights of all its people, and particularly of its weaker members, the workers, women and children. It can never be right for the State to shirk its obligation..." (St. John XXIII, Christianity and Social Progress (Mater et Magistra)
Ask the Governor and legislature to increase funding for the nonprofits that service the needy in our state.
Ask the Governor and legislature to increase funding for the nonprofits that service the needy in our state. A 1% increase will not allow these agencies to continue to meet the current and increasing demands placed upon them. Such a low funding increase, in times of high inflation, will mean reductions in staffing and services. Our disabled adults and children, those facing mental health issues, the addicted, homeless and hungry deserve better. It is nice to proclaim the state has a large budget surplus, but at what cost to those in need.
Despite their invaluable contributions to our communities, nonprofit providers have been underfunded by the State for decades. The legislature moved many human services to private nonprofit organizations to reduce state expenses. The main savings occurred in the reduction of the number of state employees and their benefits. However, the state has consistently underfunded these agencies, which includes programs operated by Catholic Charities.
“It is beyond disappointing and defies understanding that with a current-year surplus of more than $3 billion, the budget being considered by the Appropriations Committee does not include a meaningful and much-needed funding increase for services provided by Connecticut’s community nonprofits.
With inflation at 6.5 percent, a 1 percent increase is essentially a 5.5 percent cut for nonprofit programs, including behavioral and developmental health, housing, community justice and other services on which thousands of human beings across Connecticut depend.
First the Governor’s budget, and now the Appropriations Committee have effectively called for a cut in services for people with addiction needs, for those with intellectual disabilities, for people who need shelter, for children and adults with behavioral health needs, for people coming home to make new lives after incarceration, and for many more vulnerable Connecticut residents."
Statement from Gian Carl Casa, President & CEO of CT Community Nonprofit Alliance, on the proposed FY25 budget being proposed by the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee.
Click here to send a prewritten message (which you may edit) to the Governor, Legislative Leadership and your own State Senator and Representative.