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Living Pentecost During the Eucharistic Revival

Posted on April 24, 2023 in: Eucharistic Revival

Living Pentecost During the Eucharistic Revival

We are often encouraged to “use our gifts.” Well, how often do we forget that God Himself waits for us in the Eucharist. We have the God of heaven and earth entirely accessible to us, vulnerably exposing His heart to us, ready to consume us in our consumption of Him. What a gift.

As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, we are reminded of God’s gift of the Holy Spirit; God’s revelation of Himself as the Spirit of Love that breathes among us. Among us! Truly! At the first Pentecost, the Spirit was gifted to all gathered.

There is always a perfect movement to the breath of the Holy Spirit. We pray to be open to however He affects change in our hearts. The Church names seven particular gifts of the Holy Spirit. And there are ways we can nurture an openness to these gifts in our hearts via the Eucharist. During this time of Eucharistic Revival, let us pay special attention to the Spirit striking our hearts through the Eucharist. Let us go to Jesus in the Eucharist and ask for these gifts.


The Gift of Knowledge

 Jesus is the source of all knowledge. All we need to do is ask.

The Gift of Fortitude

In our adoration of Him, He adores us. This gives us strength.

The Gift of Understanding Jesus waits for us in the Eucharist, day and night. He receives us as we are, He understands.

The Gift of Piety

Since love bows to the other, we are led by the Spirit to bow to the Eucharist.

The Gift of Counsel

The Spirit beckons us to follow, to defer to the movement of the Spirit through the Eucharist.

The Gift of Wisdom

The Spirit gently beckons us to listen to His wisdom. Jesus often speaks, heart to heart, through the Eucharist.

The Gift of Fear of the Lord 

Giving Him space to move is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.


‘We want to start a fire, not a program’

Why is allowing the Holy Spirit to take hold of us through the Eucharist so important for us right now? Bishop Cozzens, leader of the Eucharistic Revival, began the Eucharistic Revival with this mission: “We want to start a fire, not a program.” Fires need fuel. Our hearts are the fuel for this revival; the way it survives, moves and grows. Just as the disciples’ hearts received the Holy Spirit for the sake of inspiring conversion among all peoples, we receive this movement of the Holy Spirit, this Eucharistic Revival, for the same reason. Let us let Him give us His gifts and change us.

Come Holy Spirit, light your fire in our hearts. 

By Morgan Martens

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