Last Saturday I heard a homily about the importance of taking care of our bodies. Jesus chose to come through our human flesh. He proclaims that our flesh is good. God wants us to take care of our bodies. Listening to this homily, I immediately thought of all the folks running in the St. Joseph School 5k beginning at 9am later that day! What a good example!
Proud supporters of our beloved St. Joseph School in Baltic came out on March 25 to run in the school’s annual 5k fundraiser. Among the spectators were Sisters of Charity, St. Joseph School families and staff, and residents of Baltic who came out for some community and enjoyment.
Enjoy some highlights below.
Heads bowed as Sr. Mary Patrick, principal of St. Joseph School, led those gathered in an opening prayer. Sr. Mary Patrick considers St. Joseph School “a hidden gem”.

Many attendees and participants commented on the community they’ve found through St. Joseph School.

An excited grandmother welcomes her grandson, this year’s winner, 16 year old Sam Johnson of Manchester to the finish line. Sam had family members in the race and on the sidelines including his father, Eric, who came in 5th place. The Johnson family has a long history of attending St. Joseph School and running this race!

Joyful spirits brought friendly competition to the race. 3.1 miles later, legs were tired but hearts were happy. Sister beat her friend, just so you know. They're still friends.

Please have your pastor or parish secretary let us know of any events happening at your parish or school.
To find out more about St. Joseph School click here or contact Sister Mary Patrick at
To learn more about the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church click here.