It’s hard to believe but fairly soon we will be in the midst of the Lenten season. This is a time for us to focus on God by devoting time to deepening our faith and prayer lives.
One way many of us do this is by devoting more time to prayer, attending daily Mass, fasting from something we enjoy, or offering alms for those in need. In addition to these practices, this Lent I challenge each of you to seek out the face of God in your daily encounters with others.
I remember Lent my first year of graduate school when I was 22 and working for a local Catholic Church. I desired to become closer to God that season and decided to attend daily Mass throughout Lent. I believed there was no better way to connect to God than to spend time daily in His presence at the table of the Lord. In Hebrew, the word “presence” means face. I was seeking God’s face each day. What happened, however, was truly unexpected.
As I began attending daily Mass, I was able to dedicate more time to prayer. Every day I sat in the same pew, just like the other older ladies and gentlemen. After Mass, however, I quickly ran out past the group that greeted one another to get on with my day.
Slowly, I became a critic of my time at Mass. I missed having music at Mass. The homilies were not about the readings and did not inspire me. I did not feel God was with me. I was missing something. In my heart each week, I felt the need to stay in the church after Mass. Yet, I continued to leave as soon as it was over.
Finally, about midway through Lent, I listened to what God was placing in my heart. I stayed in my pew after Mass. Slowly, the community made their way over to me and introduced themselves, thanking me for coming to Mass each week with them. They invited me to go to breakfast with them and I gladly joined.
At breakfast, I met Kathy, who became the face of Christ to me. She brought communion to the sick and took time with each of them to show that God cared for them. She made sure to check on the homebound daily and to pray with them. She visited when they asked, even bringing groceries or needed medication.
Another image of the face of Christ for me was Al. A retired church music minister, Al loved to sing. He shared his passion for playing the organ in our parish but could no longer play due to arthritis. He sang a blessing before we ate, and everyone cheered.
Susan was another face of Christ I met that year. She was a volunteer catechist for more than 20 years. Her passion was happy children who loved God. Susan spoke about the first class of children she taught like they were still in the parish; she told me that even though most of them were in college, she stayed connected to many of them through letters.
I thought attending Mass that Lent was the answer I sought to become closer to God. Instead, I learned that the presence of God is not the only thing we find at Mass. Through the community of believers gathered at Mass, we find all God’s people who are our brothers and sisters. It reminded me that Christ is present in all people and each of us is called to seek Christ’s presence in His people.
This Lent, I challenge you to do something different with your faith life – something that will make a difference in the way you see the face of God. Listen to your heart and find the face of God in unexpected places. He is everywhere, not just in the places where you expect to find Him.
By Liza Roach
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