Brothers in Christ
A Men’s Virtual Faith Group Meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month. Join this gathering of men who will share faith, personal experiences, and discussion. If you are interested in developing fellowship and discipleship with other men devoted to Christ, register by emailing Liza Roach at lroach@norwichdiocese.net or call 860-848-2237 ext. 305.
Couples Happy Hour
Make your Couple relationship a priority this year and join other couples for an uplifting ‘Couples Happy Hour’ January 13, 2023, from 7- 8 PM. We will meet the second Friday,every other month afterward.
Be inspired by different perspectives about romance, relationships, and family life. Each evening will present topics relevant to today’s couples with time for each couple to share privately among themselves. The Couples Happy Hour is a free virtual program sponsored by the Diocesan Catholic Family Services Office. To register, call Mary-Jo McLaughlin at 860-848-2237 ext. 312 or email her at mmclaughlin@norwichdiocese.net
Cantor Formation
Join us on Saturday, January 21, 2023, from 10am-12pm at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick for Cantor Formation. The first session will focus on the parts of the Mass and discussing the cantor's role in each area according to the General Instruction in the Missal. Michael Steven Lianos, Director of Music at the Cathedral, will provide assistance and fundamental understanding of our role as music ministers.
The second portion of the morning is a hands-on portion which is both group as well as individual. Together we will work on one psalm as a group, then you will have the opportunity to present your own psalm. Purchase lunch or bring your own for an opportunity to meet cantors from other parishes.
To register please contact Marianne at manicholas@norwichdiocese.net or call (860)848-2237 ext. 304 or go to https://bit.ly/2Laol7Y to register/purchase lunch.
The Joy of Love Marriage Enrichment
For Valentine’s Day this year, give your spouse the gift of your time and re-energize your marriage by attending a marriage enrichment entitled The Joy of Love on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023, from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. The enrichment will take place live at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, Gales Ferry. Based on Chapter 4 of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia: the Joy of Love, the enrichment will feature four talks on Daily Love, Conjugal Love, Passionate Love and Transformation of Love. Each talk will include practical insights from Pope Francis’ wisdom on marriage and family life. This enrichment is for married couples of all ages and years married. The cost is $30 per couple which covers lunch and workbooks for each couple. Registration and payment are due by Feb. 3. To register, send your names, address, telephone number, email address and check made payable to the Annual Catholic Appeal to Mary-Jo McLaughlin, Catholic Family Services, 199 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06260 or call her at 860-848-2237, Ext. 312, or email her at mmclaughlin@norwichdiocese.net.