An Original Musical
“Eleven Courageous”
Golgotha to Ascension
He hangs on the cross. His best friends and disciples retreat to their safe space in the upper room. They cower in fear and await their own demise. Over the next 40 days, their fears will be relieved by their encounters with the one they thought dead; their savior – their redeemer – their friend. These eleven courageous disciples - and other followers - will go on to build Christianity through their acts and testimony. The days between Good Friday and the Ascension are re-told through the use of song, dance, and testimony for all centuries through this musical - based on the final chapters of the synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. “Eleven Courageous”, written and composed by Deacon Wayne Sinclair, is that musical.
All parts (Male or Female) plus crew and administrative needed.
Note: Not all parts require singing ability.
First Rehearsal: Thursday, January 5, 2023 6-9 pm
Saint Mary Church Hall – Putnam, CT
Rehearsals will be held on Thursday nights 6-9.
Performances will be held after Easter in late April.
If you would like to take part and were not at the planning meeting in early December, please contact:
Deacon Wayne at 860-885-8872 or by email at: