Be sure to check your mailbox for your first copy of our new Four County Catholic magazine! Copies will be delivered December 12-16. Enjoy!

So, dear reader, here we are nearly 35 years later not changing but evolving the Four County Catholic by revamping the format to show the beauty contained in the diocese and refining the focus to include more articles of faith in action.
The newspaper’s mission of evangelization is accentuated in the magazine. For example, our faith in action article, “Janet Capello: A Joyful Servant” shows how one woman shares her time and talents with the parishioners of St. Mary in Portland, living out the Gospel message in her daily life.
Speaking of time and talents, we are always looking for volunteers to document happenings of interest at your own parishes, as well as photographs of the architectural beauty of the churches and the spiritual beauty of the people in the diocese. If this interests you, please let us know.
Our cover story focuses on fictional character George Bailey, a selfless man who lived his life for the good of others. While it is never directly mentioned, George Bailey, the protagonist in the Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life, has all the traits of a follower of Christ. This is the perfect movie to share with family and friends who are less religiously inclined. We hope you will enjoy discovering all the teachable moments laid out in this classic movie and rediscover that It truly is a wonderful life.
In this issue you will also be introduced to a new television series entitled The Chair that highlights 85 of America’s cathedrals, exploring the rich fabric and diversity of the Catholic Church through the eyes of the bishops and archbishops that lead them. The Diocese of Norwich and the Cathedral of St. Patrick are featured in one of the episodes, shot at the beginning of the lockdown in 2020. The article includes a link to watch all the episodes of The Chair. Consider it our gift to you.
The question has arisen, “If you are only going to publish the magazine every other month, how will I find out what’s going on in the diocese?”
There are a number of ways. Sign up for our free weekly email newsletter at You may also follow us on Facebook. As time and the need develops, we will eventually find ourselves on other social media platforms. We will be wherever we need to be to bring the Good News to as many people as possible.
I would like to thank Mary Ellen Mahoney, Andrea Hoisl, and Father Peter Langevin who, along with their teams, were instrumental in bringing this transition to fruition.
I would also like to thank the members of my team who work tirelessly each month in bringing the Gospel message to all of you.
As always, please pray for me and my staff, as well as the writers and photographers. We are a small but faith-filled group who benefit from your prayers and encouragement.
It is my hope that this magazine, under the leadership of Bishop Cote, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, becomes a source of comfort and inspiration for you and your loved ones.
If there is ever anything we can do to improve this experience, please let us know.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Wayne Gignac
Executive Editor
Four County Catholic