On Sunday, December 11, 2022
Saint Mary Parish, Est. 1845
“The Mother Church of Eastern Connecticut”
Celebrates the Centennial of Its Building
Although the dedication of St. Mary Church took place on December 10, 1922, parishioners past and present, members of the Catholic family, and all neighbors are invited to
A Multicultural Centennial Mass
Sunday, December 11 at 10:30,
Followed by a Festive Shared Meal
The languages, music, decor, and forms of celebration at the centennial Mass and reception will reflect the richness of St. Mary Parish and its history. The church was founded by Irish immigrants 177 years ago and by the time its building was dedicated 100 years ago, St. Mary’s had opened its doors to Catholics from many European countries. In our day, St. Mary’s is home principally to Catholics from Latin America, Haiti, and Cape Verde who pray at Mass in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. St. Mary parishioners are young, energetic, and eager to establish their place in Norwich and Eastern Connecticut. St. Mary’s is yoked with Saints Peter and Paul Church on Norwich’s west side

A New and Urgent Challenge
In the Spring of 2022, the parish discovered that its church tower and the area around the front entrance were dangerously deteriorated. For safety’s sake, the area around the tower and front doors was fenced off. A stark decision presented itself: either to close St. Mary Church or to repair and rebuild. The people of St. Mary’s chose resoundingly to rebuild, and immediately started a campaign to fund the restoration. The first phase of restoration, the tower, will cost an estimated $760,000. Repairs to the rest of the building will likely cost the same amount.
Free will offerings from all guests will be welcomed at the December 11 celebration. For more news about the restoration of St. Mary’s or if you wish to make a pledge or a gift to St. Mary’s Restoration Campaign, visit: saintmarychurchrestoration.com.

Congregation departing dedication service 100 years ago.