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Education in Haiti a Key to the Future

Posted on November 08, 2022 in: Outreach to Haiti

Education in Haiti a Key to the Future

At any given time, in any country around the world, young people represent the future of their individual countries. Because the young people of today will step into the leadership roles of tomorrow it is imperative for them to receive a good education. This is especially true for the country of Haiti whose government and citizens recognize the value of education, but they don’t have the  resources to fund public education for all.

The Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti knows only too well that Haitian parents, like all  parents, want their children to earn an education. Because of this, one of our major areas of concern is education. Thanks to friends and supporters, we have two major efforts to educate young people who live within the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince.

Outreach’s Education Sponsorship Program provides scholarships to approximately 200 young people to attend primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools. Its focus is to provide scholarships to students up through graduation from secondary and post-secondary schools. This program takes place at the Outreach Center in the Christ Roi (Christ the King) community. We are truly thankful that most of our sponsors remain committed to helping the young person or persons from the grade they first entered school through graduation. For many students this means earning vocational and university degrees. This program has been a real treasure for many as evidenced by three of our young people in University. 

Christina hopes to be a dentist and has been studying odontology at Université D’Etudes Internationales. She said she will do her best to succeed not only in school but also in life.

Fritz is a top student who has been studying Economic Science at NOTRE DAME University. 

Dieunord has been part of our program since 2008, when he began first grade and hopes to study Electrical Engineering at Quisqueya University. 

Our Parish Twinning Program twins Parishes in our Diocese of Norwich and in other US Dioceses with Parishes within the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince. This special program was initiated by lay people in the Diocese of Norwich and over the past forty years has built meaningful relationships of faith, hope and love with parishes in the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince. The U.S. Twins help to support many health and education efforts. One of their major education efforts is helping to support eight parish schools that currently allow more than 3,500 young people to earn an education. 

Both of these programs are very exciting as they will help make a positive impact on the future of Haiti. When Father Frank Rouleau (our Chaplain in Haiti and Director of Twinning) was recently asked what advice he would share with young people in Haiti, he replied, “Education is a treasure. Study Well. It is a key to the future.”

We are so thankful for our many friends and supporters, especially to all who keep Haiti in their prayers. We also are grateful to those who share their earthly treasure to help young people prepare for their futures so that they can make the best use of the talents and gifts God has given them. Please remember, the gift of education lasts a lifetime and transforms children’s lives and the future of their families, communities, and countries.

If you would like to learn more about our diocesan ministry in Haiti and to support our work, please feel free to call me at 860-800-3604 or Marie Farrell at 860-800-3603 and be sure to visit our website https://outreachtohaiti.org/

By Susan Wallace, Executive Director
Outreach to Haiti

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