Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Supplies Needed for Back to School - How You Can Help
Catholic Charities will be assisting our children and parents to prepare the 2023-24 academic school year and it will be here sooner than we think! We are asking for your participation by providing children with their basic school supplies, backpacks, pencils, erasers, pens, subject tablets, colorful markers, pencil boxes, glue, etc. Catholic Charites will distribute your school supplies to parents participating in our monthly Parenting Zoom group, which includes clients from our 4 offices. The school supplies will also be distributed to clients who receive other serv...

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Improvements at St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich, will be a 'Game Changer'
Extreme Gratitude St. Vincent de Paul Place Norwich Inc. has been provided a $1.7 million grant-in-aid for capital renovations and improvements including installing an elevator and build outs for the upper two floors. We are so excited about this award. A special thank you to  State Senator Cathy Osten, State Representatives Derell Wilson and Kevin Ryan, Governor Ned Lamont and everyone else who supported this important project. Having an elevator is a real game changer for SVdPP as we will now have the 3rd and 4th floors available for additional services and ...

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St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown Much More than Food and Fellowship
Through its soup kitchen and Amazing Grace Food Pantry, St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown has provided meals and groceries to those in need for 43 years.  Our soup kitchen opened with a shelter on Main Street in 1980 as a response to homelessness in our city. The kitchen was modeled after what Dorothy Day started in New York City during the Great Depression: a place to get a warm meal and fellowship.  Today, we’ve expanded our soup kitchen model to do much more than feed people and provide fellowship. As our community and its needs change, so must our pr...

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UConn Students Host a Donation Drive for “Backpacks for Life”
With the generous support of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish and area community on Saturday, April 29th, the UConn students, led by Senior Rachel Poulos, completed a successful donation drive for daily essential items at the Catholic Student Center at Storrs to complete 20 backpacks for homeless veterans in CT. They collected and sorted over 1,000 items then packaged them into individual kits. There are three separate kits, and each kit contains 8-10 items that is put into a gallon size storage bag.  The final step was to put 1 of each of these kits into the bac...

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The Gift of Warmth - Children Get Free Coats, Thanks to Knights
As many headed out to shop on the day after Thanksgiving, the Knights of Columbus in the Middletown Deanery distributed new winter coats to those in need at St. Sebastian’s Hall. The upper Middlesex councils have joined other councils in Connecticut and North America to give children in need a free and much-needed gift as the Knights distributed new winter coats at nine sites throughout Connecticut. The Coats for Kids distributions were held throughout the state as part of an initiative that began in Bridgeport during Thanksgiving weekend in 2012. Last winter, Knig...

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Knights Food Drive Helps Colchester Community
The men of the Knights of Columbus Cardinal Spellman Council 6107 affiliated with Guardian Angels Parish in Colchester, have completed their food drive to assist our brothers and sisters in need within the Colchester community. The nonperishable food items were collected over the period from November 5 through the 12th and delivered by the Knights to the Colchester Food Bank the week prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Knights extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the parishioners of Guardian Angels Parish who made this donation possible by their generosity and ca...

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Help the Needy: Saint Vincent De Paul Place Norwich Collecting Miracle Bags
Christmas Miracle Bags 2022 St Vincent de Paul Place will be distributing and delivering roast beef dinners on Christmas Day. On that day, we would like to give each person or family a Miracle Bag. Miracle bags are gift bags that contain items like warm hats, gloves and personal hygiene items. We estimate that we will need 600 of these bags this year. You can help us fill these bags. We need the following:    Warm Hats  Gloves Men/Women  Shampoo/Conditioner Toothpaste/Toothbrush  Shaving cream  Razors  Deodorant ...

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Saint Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich, has Volunteer Opportunities
Saint Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich, is looking for volunteers for various needs. Check out the below opportunities to lend your time and talents: St. Vincent de Paul Place is looking for summer volunteers.   Educators / college students consider helping at SVdPP once a week for the summer.  Opportunities in the kitchen, food pantry, front desk and cleaning for the months of June, July and August.   Our greatest need is for summer weekly volunteers. Volunteers will need to be able to walk up and down stairs easily and lift 10 lbs. A minimum of 3-4 hour...

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Catholic Charities Social Media Volunteer Intern Opportunity
Looking for an opportunity to give something back to your community or maybe you just want to make a difference to the people around you?  Want to build your social media resume?  Catholic Charities has the perfect volunteer opportunity available for someone with social media expertise.  Come share your time and experience with us and discover all the benefits of doing good for others.    Contact Laura at 860-889-8346 to learn more. Job Summary The social media volunteer Intern will help build the Catholic Charities brand across s...

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 I Was Hungry . . . Matthew 25:35
Needs the following for Thanksgiving Turkeys Box mashed potatoes Turkey gravy Cranberry sauce Bell seasoning 6 gallons of half-and-half Oranges Canned soda Pies homemade or store-bought   The Food Pantry Needs Cereal Spaghetti Juice (1/2 gallon) 'Meat' sauce for spaghetti             Shop online and have it delivered. Visit our website for directions svdpp.org Bring yo...

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Recently Added Galleries
Click to view album: 40 Days for Life 2024
Click to view album: Blessing of the Fleet 2024
Click to view album: Mass of Ordination for Fr. Eric Carl Hosmer, Fr. Julian Felipe Cuervo-Lozada and Fr. Alexander James Pandolfe
Click to view album: Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (NDCCW) 46th Annual Layette

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294