
Office for Hispanic Ministry

Hispanic Ministry

Hispanic Ministry exists to preserve and enrich the faith of our Catholic Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters, especially those newly arrived, by ministering with them in their language and culture.  Our ministry is focused primarily in the areas of Clinton, Middletown, New London, Norwich, and Windham.


Diocesan Director:
Sister Mary Jude Lazarus, S.C.M.C.

Hispanic Apostolate Office
61 Club Road
Windham, CT 06280
Phone: 860-456-3349
Fax: 860-423-4157
E-mail: aposthispano@gmail.com

Ministerio Hispano

El Ministerio Hispano existe para preservar y enriquecer la fe de nuestras hermanas y hermanos católicos de habla hispana, especialmente los recién llegados, por ministrar con ellos en su idioma y cultura. Nuestro ministerio está enfocado principalmente en las áreas de Clinton, Middletown, New London, Norwich y Windham.

Director Diocesano:
Hermana Mary Jude Lazarus, S.C.M.C.

Oficina de Apostolado Hispano
61 Club Road
Windham, CT 06280
Teléfono: 860-456-3349
Fax: 860-423-4157
E-mail: aposthispano@juno.com


A Celebration of Faith and Heritage: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Cathedral
Mariachi music resounded joyfully through the sacred space of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich on Tuesday, December 12, 2024, as faithful from across the Diocese gathered to honor and celebrate the Annual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This cherished tradition brought together people of all ages and backgrounds, uniting them in a vibrant expression of devotion to the Mother of the Americas. The Most Reverend Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford, presided over the Mass and delivered a deeply moving homily that resonated w...

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U.S. Bishops’ Hispanic Affairs Subcommittee Releases Diocesan Survey on Parishes and Hispanic/Latino Ministry
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs has released the results of a recent diocesan survey it conducted on parishes and Hispanic/Latino ministry. The survey aligns with the launch of the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry and serves as a baseline for implementing it as a 10-year plan. The survey featured three questions regarding the number of parishes in each diocese, the number of parishes offering Mass in Spanish, and the number of parishes with a Hispanic/Latino presence or ministry witho...

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Faithful Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast
Mariachi music filled the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, faithful from across our Diocese gathered to celebrate The Annual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bishop Michael R. Cote celebrated the Mass.  Reverend Juan Aguirre delivered the Homily.  Full video below. Enjoy! “Do not let anything worry you; do not fear sickness, accident or pain. Am I not here, she who is your Mother? Are you not in the fold of my arms and under my protection? Is there anything else you need?”  Words of Our...

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National Migration Week Highlights “Overlooked Right” Not to Migrate
WASHINGTON – The Catholic Church in the United States will observe National Migration Week from September 18-24. Each year, this week-long celebration culminates with the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, established by the Holy See over 100 years ago and commemorated by Catholics across the globe. Throughout this week, the faithful and others of good will are encouraged to reflect on the challenges facing migrants, refugees, and others impacted by the complex phenomenon of forced displacement, the ways these newcomers enrich welcoming communities, and how we are ea...

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Respect Life: Immigration
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me” (Mt 25:35-36).   Pope Francis, in his message for the 2023 World Day of Migrants and Refugees, writes, “These words are a constant admonition to see in the migrant not simply a brother or sister in difficulty, but Christ himself, who knocks at our door.” The Church has celebrated World Day of Migrants and Refu...

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Hundreds of Faithful Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast
On Monday, December 12, 2022, faithful from across our Diocese gathered at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick to celebrate The Annual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Reverend Robert Washabaugh celebrated the Mass.  Reverend Michael Castiblanco delivered a stirring Homily. Upbeat mariachi music and a beautiful Communion meditation were among the many musical highlights. Full video below. Enjoy! “Do not let anything worry you; do not fear sickness, accident or pain. Am I not here, she who is your Mother? Are you not in the fold ...

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"Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe"
On Sunday, December 12, 2021, faithful from across our Diocese gathered at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick to celebrate The Annual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Very Reverend Laurence LaPointe celebrated the Mass.  Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo delivered a stirring Homily bookended by the words "Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe!"  Upbeat mariachi music and a beautiful rendition of Ave Maria were among the many musical highlights. Full video below. Enjoy! “Do not let anything worry you; do not fear sickness, accide...

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Hispanic Ministry Respects and Values the Way of Being and Culture of All
As the holidays wind down, I hope that you have had the opportunity to safely celebrate with family, attend virtual or in-person Christmas Mass, and drive through your neighborhoods viewing the sparkling Christmas lights and decorations. We say farewell to 2020 and remain hopeful for a happy and healthier 2021. Many in our community continue to be affected by the pandemic financially, emotionally and physically, and with the cold weather many are in need of our support now more than ever. We seek comfort in our commitment to God, Our Father. A commitment is the state or qua...

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Norwich, Catholic
Hispanic Ministry Exists to Preserve, Enrich and Strengthen Faith
Hispanic Ministry exists to preserve, enrich and strengthen the faith of Latino Catholics in the Diocese of Norwich, many of whom have been here for years, many others fairly recently arrived and not yet integrated into the mainstream of church and society. That makes it important for this ministry to be carried out in the language and culture of the people, while assisting them in effective integration into their parishes and society, in a way that respects the values and culture of all.  We seek to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through a deepening of pers...

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Norwich, Catholic
Conclusions of V Encuentro to Be Presented to Pope Francis
  Archbishop Gomez to present conclusions of V Encuentro to Pope Francis By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Sep 17, 2019 / 11:19 am (CNA).- A delegation from the U.S., including Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, will present the conclusions and proceedings of the National V Encuentro of Hispanic and Latino Ministry to Pope Francis Wednesday. The Encuentro was a September 2018 meeting of around 3,000 Hispanic and Latino Catholics on issues such as the accompaniment of immigrants, access to higher education, lay leadership formation, community outreach, an...

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CNA, VEncuentro, ArchbishopGomez

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294