Post Abortion Reconciliation and Healing
Project Rachel
Are you grieving from an Abortion?
God's greatest desire is to forgive. Come back to God who is love and mercy. Project Rachel is the Catholic Church's post-abortion healing ministry, a ministry to help those who have experienced abortion to find forgiveness and peace of heart through compassionate counseling and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many men, too, suffer greatly in the aftermath of abortion, as well as grandparents. By simply calling the Project Rachel telephone number, you will be put in touch with specially trained priests and other trained counselors if desired in Project Rachel. This ministry is private and confidential.
The Project Rachel National Website is:

Rachel's Vineyard Retreats
Rachel's Vineyard weekends are a beautiful opportunity for any person who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. Retreats are held across the country for anyone, women and men, who are reaching out for healing, peace and forgiveness. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. The retreat is a very specific process designed to help you experience the mercy and compassion of God. The retreat concludes with a Memorial Service and Mass of Resurrection.
If you, a family member or a friend are hurting from an abortion, please call the Rachel's Vineyard Toll-free National Hotline: 887-HOPE-4-me. Rachel's Vineyard is the world's largest ministry for healing after abortion.
For information or registration on Retreat Weekends call contacts below or go to the Rachel's Vineyard website. There is a fee for the weekend and covers accommodations, meals and retreat materials. Financial assistance is available.
Rachel's Vineyard - Connecticut
Hosted by the Archdiocese of Hartford
Contact: 203-631-9030
Rachel's Vineyard - Vermont
Hosted by the Diocese of Burlington
Contact: 802-658-6111 ext.1318
Rachel's Vineyard - Massachusetts
Hosted by the Diocese of Springfield
Contact: 413-452-0661
Rachel's Vineyard - Rhode Island
Hosted by Diocese of Providence
Contact: 401 421 7833 ext. 119
Silent No More
Two out of every five women you know who are older than 20 have had an abortion. Over 17 million women may suffer many or all symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as other physical and psychological harms, as a direct result of their abortions (Source: The Elliott Institute).
The more that women talk openly about their grief and hurts from their abortions, the more others can feel safe in speaking up and finding healing. The campaign goals are to reach out, educate and share to help others avoid the pain of abortion.
"Silent No More" is tens of thousands of people nationwide who are healing from the physical, emotional and spiritual damage of abortion. If you would like more information on "Silent No More":
CALL CONFIDENTIALLY: 1-888-735-3448 in CT call Nicole Peck at 1-860-657-6298 or