Marriage Support & Enrichment

Marriage Support & Enrichment

Couples at all stages of life: For tips, resources, inspiration, and thought-provoking content to strengthen your marriage, and gain a better understanding of how to live God’s plan for happy, holy marriages visit Sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.


Silver and Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass

Held in the fall each year at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich Celebrate your Silver, Gold or other significant Wedding Anniversary and renew your commitment to live your marriage in holiness.
Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D. is the Celebrant at this beautiful Pontifical Mass to honor enduring love.

Refreshments served following Mass for you and your family.

Announcement of date and registration through your parish.

For information call Catholic Family Services 860-848-2237, Ext. 312.


Marriage Encounter

A program for any married couple who desire a richer, fuller life together. The Marriage Encounter weekend is designed to deepen and enrich the joys a couple shares together. Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers a weekend experience designed to give married couples the opportunity to look deeply into their relationship. The emphasis of the Marriage Encounter weekend is on communication between husbands and wives. The weekend provides an environment for couples to spend time together, away from the distractions and tensions of everyday life, while encouraging them to focus on each other and their relationship. Weekends are held throughout the year in CT.

For information call Catholic Family Services 860-848-2237, Ext. 312.



"A LIFELINE FOR TROUBLED MARRIAGES" Marriage building and repair. Is your marriage tearing you apart? Little or no communication? Considering separation or divorce? Retrouvaille can help, it begins with a weekend experience in which husbands and wives are helped to re-establish communication and to gain new insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple. Retrouvaille is not a sensitivity group or spiritual retreat, but will help you discover how listening, forgiveness, communication and the dialog process are powerful aids for building your relationship.

Weekends are throughout the year in the Hartford area.
For information call 413-525-1634.

Follow-up meetings: For those couples who have already attended a Retrouvailleweekend there are six day - sessions held on Saturdays, following the weekend.

All scheduled weekends and more information are listed at the Retrouvaille website: or call:
For information call Catholic Family Services 860-848-2237, Ext. 312. -

For additional marital material support contact Mary-Jo McLaughlin at the Catholic Family Services Office.

While listening to a Barbara Streisand CD recently, her duet with Neil Diamond, “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers,” began to play.  You remember the song. The wife laments that her husband no longer brings her flowers or sings her love songs. The husband says she no longer talks to ...

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While vacationing this summer at Badlands National Park in South Dakota, my husband wanted to hike a short but steep ascent up one of the vertical walls of stone that comprise the Badlands. Standing at the bottom of the wall, looking up, I was reluctant to proceed. The trail looked too daunting f...

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On marriage, Pope Francis has written: “Love is not a feeling. Feelings come and go with the days and weeks. Love is more. It is a commitment to live through good times and difficult ones, through sickness and health, through thick and thin. Love comes from only one source: God. God is the bas...

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  Last year, my husband and I presented a marriage enrichment in which we challenged couples to look at their future dreams for their relationship. The premise was that dreaming about their future would help couples shape the choices they were making to see those dreams fulfilled. We were...

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Editors note: Mary-Jo McLaughlin, Catholic Family Services Coordinator for the Diocese, and her husband, Pat are on a cross-country camping trip this summer. Here she shares some of the beauty and experiences the couple has encountered thus far.   Words and pictures are inadequate to capt...

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Last year, my husband and I said “yes” to a new responsibility in our ministry with Worldwide Marriage Encounter that required us to write 16 talks about different aspects of our relationship in 16 weeks. Whew! It was one of the most challenging and stressful times I can remember in our ...

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When two people from diverse backgrounds, upbringing and life experiences come together, they are bound to experience some conflicts. No relationship, regardless of how great it is or how long it has endured, is immune from disagreements. Whether those disputes are major or minor, the key to mari...

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Embracing Forgivness in Four Words   “Will you forgive me?” I will never forget the power of those four words the first time my husband asked them of me. In many ways, they meant more to me than him saying, “I love you,” because the very fact that he acknowled...

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New London Couple Recognized as State’s Longest Married Couple   In each of the 71 years that Russell and Pauline DeMarco have been married, their love for each other has grown stronger. How does such an enduring love last despite the challenges and differences that all married coup...

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With the turn of the page to January, many people make a New Year’s resolution. This year, why not consider making a resolution that will enrich your marriage, strengthen your bond of intimacy with your spouse and help heal the differences between you more easily? All of this can be done throu...

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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294