
September 25th through November 3rd 

Praying for a change of mother’s hearts and for an end to the taking of innocent lives.

40 Days For Life is a string of nearly 6,500 local campaigns throughout the world -with over 1,000,000 people taking a peaceful, prayerful approach by standing up for the dignity of all human life – praying outside planned parenthood facilities and speaking up about this injustice - with our families, friends, neighbors, and communities.  It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in carrying out of His Plan to end the taking of innocent pre-born lives. It draws attention to the evil of abortion by the powerful witness of our 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting, and Outreach.

The Diocese of Norwich will again participate in the 40 Days For Life Campaign this year. 

The Norwich 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign will begin with
a Vigil Mass at Saint Patrick Cathedral
Tuesday, September 24, at 6:30pm.


Please join us in praying to God to bless our efforts over these 40 Days.
All members of the diocese, different faith traditions, and the greater community at large are invited.

Please join us in participating in praying outside the Planned Parenthood facility, 12 Case St. Norwich from 6AM – 6PM for the next 40 Days, Wednesday, September 25th through Sunday, November 3rd.

Praying For An End To Abortion

In addition to the ultimate goal of praying for the end of abortion, our prayers to God are also offered up for:

  • Mothers who are considering having an abortion.
  • Innocent babies defenseless & vulnerable in their mother’s wombs.
  • Men and women who carry the pain of a past abortion experience.
  • Workers at Planned Parenthood facilities and abortion centers.
  • Local, regional, and national leaders.
  • Revival and renewal of our parishes and churches.
  • Repentance and healing throughout our Nation.


The Norwich 40 Days For Life Team is very pleased to have you join us in standing up for life and praying on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood facility at 12 Case St. in Norwich for an end to this atrocity.

Never Done it Before?

There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s not a protest. Here’s what to expect. We recommend parking at Friendly’s, 105 W. Town St. in Norwich (Norwichtown). They gave us permission to park there. (And it’s a nice treat to enjoy a Friendly :lunch or ice cream after praying with family and friends).

For a Point of Reference,

Friendly’s and Case St. are best reached by Exit 14 on Rt. 395, the first exit north of Rt. 2. So after parking, one walks a few hundred yards on W. Town St. and makes a right onto Case Street, walks up another hundred yards, & crosses the street to the sidewalk between the 2 entrances of Planned Parenthood. Now, outside the facility, we witness for life by our presence, and hold signs, if you wish, that your parish pro-life representative will provide that read “ Praying for an end to abortion.” And we Pray: To change mother’s hearts that might be arriving to consider ending their pregnancy; Praying for an end to abortion; And praying that this Planned Parenthood facility will soon close. We pray during daylight hours, and really haven’t had any problems over the last few years. You might get an occasional person gives you an unkind hand signal or word out their window, but for the most part, we get a lot of positive honks and thumbs-up! And we never confront anyone should they wish to argue. This is a peaceful, prayerful program exercising our Constitutional freedom, to stand-up for the innocent, praying for the Sanctity and Right to Life. Most people sign-up for an hour slot, pray the Rosary walking up and down the sidewalk in front of the facility, and car pool with family and others from the parish, often finishing by having a bite over at Friendly’s, who graciously allow us to park in their lot.


Are you fed up hearing in the news about radical politicians, state legislatures and governors, and new laws being proposed and implemented for late-term abortions and infanticide? Do you feel compelled to do something about it? The Norwich 40 Days For Life Team invites you to join us in standing up for life and praying on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood facility at 12 Case St. in Norwich for an end to this abomination.

How do I sign up?

Contact your church or parish and find out who your Pro-Life representative is – and sign-up for your ‘adopted church or parish day.’ You can also sign-up anytime during our 40 Day daytime vigil by – clicking on our sign-up link By doing so, you’ll also be kept abreast of 40 Days For Life Activity throughout the year as well.

Most Norwich Catholic parishes ‘Adopt-A-Day’ and parishioners come out and pray, fast, and participate in this peaceful community outreach to preserve the lives of unborn children alive in their mothers’ wombs.

This year we are joined by a number of new various denomination members on our team who are reaching out to Protestant and Jewish churches and synagogues and we encourage all to join in.

For further help about how to become involved please contact the Norwich 40 Days For Life Team at (860) 875-5770 or

Thank you and may God bless you, your family, and your future children and grandchildren. Amen.

Steve Karlen- Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life, speaks about what 40 Days for Life is all about.


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    Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich
    201 Broadway
    Norwich, CT 06360-4328
    Phone: 860-887-9294